(page requirements)

Be careful about what you click on!

Links on web pages are there to be clicked on, right? Well, yes, but, you might want to think twice before clicking on links to things other than web pages, such as files with unfamiliar extensions and familiar extensions such as EXE (PC executable files). This is because your browser might try to automatically bring up the associated helper application in order to read/view/print (whatever the default action is for that file type) the file you clicked on, even when you want to just download and it. For example, clicking on an EXE file might cause your browser to first download it and then automatically execute it (and by doing so possibly infect your computer with a computer virus).

If you're not sure what you're about to click on, try Right Clicking on that link and selecting "Save as..." (or similar action). This way you'll simply download the file without executing it or brining it's default viewer.

Applicable Keywords : Internet Explorer, Explorer 3.x, Explorer 4.x, Internet, Netscape Navigator, Navigator 2.x, Navigator 3.x, Communicator 4.x, World Wide Web
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