(page requirements)

Click for a dialog

If you're tired of creating new HTML pages just to display two or three lines of text, try displaying your text in a pop-up dialog box.

Basic idea is to use the JavaScript alert() function to display the information when a button (or a link) is clicked.


<form method="POST">

<input type=reset value="Test">



Note the addition of OnClick="alert( 'hello, world!' );"

<form method="POST">

<input type=reset value="Test" OnClick="alert( 'hello, world!' );">



Applicable Keywords : HTML, Internet Explorer, Explorer 3.x, Explorer 4.x, Explorer 5.x, Internet, JavaScript, JavaScript 1.0, JavaScript 1.1, JavaScript 1.2, Netscape Navigator, Navigator 2.x, Navigator 3.x, Communicator 4.x, Netscape 6.x, World Wide Web
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