How to add components to forms at run time
It's easy and fun to create setup components at design time, but if you must, it's not difficult to create them at run time as well.
For example, let's say you want to create a "TLabel" object called "Label1" with the caption "hello, world!" at run time and place it on your form at (50, 60) x and y coordinates:
// assuming: your form is called "Form1"
with TLabel.Create( Form1 ) do
Parent := Form1; // this is important
Left := 50; // X coordinate
Top := 60; // Y coordinate
Caption := 'hello, world';
// set your other parameters here...
// you don't have to set the Name
// parameter, but...
Name := 'Label1';
// finally make it visible
Visible := True;
Listing #1 : Delphi code. Download
runtime (0.39 KB).
The same example, this time using a variable to keep track of the "TLabel" component:
l : TLabel;
// assuming: your form is called "Form1"
l := TLabel.Create( Form1 );
l.Parent := Form1; // this is important
l.Left := 50; // X coordinate
l.Top := 60; // Y coordinate
l.Caption := 'hello, world';
// set your other parameters here...
// you don't have to set the Name
// parameter, but...
l.Name := 'Label1';
// finally make it visible
l.Visible := True;
Listing #2 : Delphi code. Download
runtime2 (0.4 KB).
Applicable Keywords : Components, Delphi, Delphi 1.x, Delphi 2.x, Delphi 3.x, Source Code