Windows, web pages, multimedia programs, all have backgrounds. How come your Delphi form doesn't?
Of course you could place a "TImage" component on your form and set its "Alignment" to "Client" in order to place a background image on your form. Here's another way:
- Add following code to your form's "Public declarations" section:
bmpBackground : TBitmap;
Listing #1 : Delphi code. Download
code (0.15 KB).
- Double click on your form and add bitmap initialization code in the "FormCreate" event:
bmpBackground := TBitmap.Create;
LoadFromFile( 'c:windowssetup.bmp' );
Listing #2 : Delphi code. Download
code2 (0.21 KB).
- Go to the form's events list and double click on "OnPaint". Add following line to the "FormPaint" event:
Canvas.Draw( 0, 0, bmpBackground );
Listing #3 : Delphi code. Download
code3 (0.16 KB).
- Finally insert the following code in to the "FormDestroy" event ("OnDestroy" event):
Listing #4 : Delphi code. Download
code4 (0.15 KB).
Sample screen shot:

Applicable Keywords : Delphi, Delphi 1.x, Delphi 2.x, Delphi 3.x, Source Code