(page requirements)

Award yourself

You worked hard on your web pages. Is it time to reward yourself with an award?
If you think your web pages are ready to be judged, spread the word about your site to a few award sites. Award sites will evaluate your web site on different areas such as page layout, graphics design, content, originality, ease of navigation, etc., depending on what they specialize in, and give you electronic kudos to hang on your home page. In fact, there are so many award sites out there, there are several sites focusing solely on submitting your pages to award sites.
So why should you subject your site to possible let downs or sometimes criticism by submitting to award sites? Well, receiving awards and kudos is fun, specially if you spend a great deal of time taking care of your home page. Also your pages could receive more exposure if you win. Even if you don't win, some award sites will give you constructive criticism to improve your pages, so you could submit again later. Depending on the type of web site you have, submitting to award sites could be an essential part of your site promotion efforts.
So why do these award sites take their time to evaluate your pages for free? Some of the award sites are looking for extra exposure themselves. As you may have guessed, award winning sites are likely to receive more visitors and by displaying awards you've won, you're giving award sites exposure from your pages. On the other hand, there are some award site owners that will offer their advice on how to improve your site expecting nothing more than a thank you email.
Before you start submitting your pages to award sites, remember not to take awards too seriously. Have fun with it, but don't get discouraged if you don't win any.
Listing #1 : Award Sites
Applicable Keywords : HTML, Web Resource, World Wide Web
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