Let the frames float...
How would you like to open a scrollable browsing window inside your page? It's very easy to create such a window -- usually referred to as a floating frame -- in Explorer 3.x and Explorer 4.x.
Simply insert following HTML tags in to your page:
width="width of the frame"
height="height of the frame"
name="name of the frame"
src="URL of the page to display inside the frame">
...whatever you place here will be displayed
if the browser doesn't support
floating frames...
Listing #1 : HTML code. Download
fframe (0.3 KB).
Following is a working example of a floating frame. You should see a scrollable window if you're using Explorer 3.x or higher:
Code used to create the above frame:
<IFRAME width=400 height=100 name="FloatingFrame1"
Since your browser doesn't support floating frames,
here's a picture of what a floating frame would
look like:<BR>
<IMG src="/i/tips/floatingframe_demo1.gif">
Listing #2 : HTML code. Download
fframe2 (0.33 KB).
Applicable Keywords : HTML, Internet Explorer, Explorer 3.x, Explorer 4.x, Internet, World Wide Web