Following two functions and step by step instructions will take some of the mystery out of using the registry for simple purposes:
function LoadStringFromRegistry( sKey, sItem, sDefVal : string ) : string; var reg : TRegIniFile; begin reg := TRegIniFile.Create( sKey ); Result := reg.ReadString( '', sItem, sDefVal ); reg.Free; end; procedure SaveStringToRegistry( sKey, sItem, sVal : string ); var reg : TRegIniFile; begin reg := TRegIniFile.Create( sKey ); reg.WriteString( '', sItem, sVal + #0 ); reg.Free; end; |
For example, let's say you want to save the last time your program was executed [using the Registry] and retrieve that value at the start of the program.
FormatDateTime( 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss', Now ) |
SaveStringToRegistry( // // our registry key // 'Software'+ '\MyCompanyName\MyProgramName', // // parameter // 'LastTime', // // value // FormatDateTime( 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss', Now ) ); |
sLastTime := LoadStringFromRegistry( 'Software'+ '\MyCompanyName\MyProgramName', 'LastTime', // // default value // 'First Time' ); |
If the parameter "LastTime" can not be found at the specified registry key, LoadStringFromRegistry() will return "First Time."
Please note that if you have more than a few values to save and/or retrieve using the Registry, calling above functions over and over is not recommended. Rather, you should open the registry once, write/read all the information and then close the registry.
NOTE: The "Registry" unit must be listed in the "uses" section of your source code (uses Registry;) in order for Delphi to recognize the "TRegIniFile" object.