What did I just right click on?
Delphi makes it very easy to add context sensitive
menus (or mostly known as popup menus that appear on
right mouse clicks!) to your application:
- Create a "New Application"
- Drop a "TPopupMenu"
component on your form
- Double click on it and add necessary menu items
- Select your form and set its "PopupMenu" property
to the newly created "TPopupMenu"
(named "PopupMenu1"
by default)
- Run your program to and right click on your form
That was easy enough. But, the question is, once you
add more components to your form, how do you determine
which control your user right clicked on?
Assuming that the name of your popup menu is "PopupMenu1," following will
contain the name of the right clicked control:
NOTE: In order to get a valid control
name, you must assign the popup menu to each control's
Applicable Keywords : Components, Delphi, Delphi 1.x, Delphi 2.x, User Interface