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HTML Kit Plugins Directory

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Reduce the number of task switching required to invoke Apache, PHP and MySQL, especially on Windows 95/98/ME systems where these components are not installed as services.
When a full page report isn't necessary, this plugin can be used to get the basic file statistics from the right click menu.
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This plugin provides several handy options for capitalizing sentences and words. It can also reverse the case of letters, and change characters to upper/lower case. Now with a right-click menu and customizable default action.
Need more than display-only soft wrapping? This plugin can be used to wrap the selected text at a specific column. It also provides an option to preview the wrapped text in the Output window.
Converts double space indents to tabs and removes extra spaces at the end of lines.
Converts the selected lines to a comma separated single line.
If you're editing text and HTML documents that have extra spaces at the end of lines, the process of trimming such lines can take some time. This plugin can help by automating the removal of end-of-line whitespace.
Need to flip lines? With this plugin you can simply highlight and click to move lines at the bottom to the top in reverse order.
Want to make sure that punctuation characters separated by spaces stay attached to the preceding word? This plugin can replace regular spaces in between words and punctuation with non-breaking spaces.
Splits the selected line of text at a specific column and wraps the code with various tags.
Demonstrates how to insert starting and ending curley brackets in code blocks ( "{ ... }" ) with indents and move the cursor to the middle of the block ( "{ | }" ). This plugin can be mapped to a keyboard shortcut using the "...
Creating numbered lists or naming form objects with sequential IDs? Stop the counting and let this plugin take care of incrementing any numbers in the text being pasted.
Checks to see if the current text file was saved in DOS/Windows, Macintosh or UNIX mode. The file has to be saved locally before using this plugin.
Page layout testing sometimes takes place before the content is ready. This plugin adds the ability to generate random sentences, paragraphs and articles in pseudo-Latin, pseudo-French and Lorem text.
Moves the cursor to the first non-space character.
Replaces double blank lines with one blank line.
Plugin to centre-align the current line by padding with spaces. Useful for text file editing.
Plugin to rewrap the current selection to fit an 80 character screen.
Capitalizes the word at the cursor.
There are many ways to count words. This plugin calculates the number of lines, words and characters using multiple methods.
Indents the selected block of text with tabs.
Before there was XML there was CSV. The Comma Separated Value file format used to be one of the more popular file formats for exchanging data between different applications. This plugin makes it easier to convert CSV files to XML tags.