Remember the 'old' days of the Web when you didn't have much control over how your pages looked? These days most sites use stylesheets, but content is still the king. This plugin makes it easier to preview your pages with and without CSS.
Importing text from files not originally intended to be used on the Web? This plugin can be used to convert special characters in plain text blocks to HTML entities.
Demonstrates how to write a plugin to search multiple files using the Batch Actions Wizard and mark matches. After installing, right click a local Workspace folder, select "Run Action...," select the Action and click "Start" to te...
Searches for a regular expression / pattern string in multiple files and optionally opens matching (or "unmatching") files. New file types to search can be added to the default list of web files by updating the sSearchFileExtensions variabl...
Search and replace within a selected block of text using Perl like regular expressions. Matched blocks are represented using \1 ... \9 in the "Replace with" field.