Faster Plugins interface, specially noticeable when working with large files. [v1.0]
An option to prevent HTML-Kit from being opened multiple times was added under "Edit | Preferences... | Misc." [v1.0]
Optimized HTML-Kit background tasks to take less time to complete. [v1.0]
HTML-Kit can now act as a "Send To" menu item to make it easier to open files. Select "Edit | Preferences... | Misc. | Associate File Types / Setup Shortcuts..." to enable this feature. [v1.0]
Fixed a Windows 95 specific shell32.dll related problem.
Note: Since most build 270 users will not require the above fix, "Help | Check for New Version..." function will not notify the release of this build. [v1.0]
Ability to display a custom "wallpaper" on the HTML-Kit background ("Edit | Preferences... | General | Background wallpaper"). [v1.0]
Reorganized the "Edit | Properties..." dialog box. [v1.0]
Moved "Copy output to editor" button from the bottom of editor windows to a standard toolbar. [v1.0]
The "Split View" mode can now show the editor and the output by splitting the window horizontally as well as vertically. In previous builds, only vertical splitting was supported. [v1.0]
New Recent Files/URLs menu with the ability to clear all or obsolete items. Your current list of recent files will be reset during this upgrade. [v1.0]
File Save Wizard to make it easier to save unsaved files on exit. Only applicable when there are multiple unsaved files. [v1.0]
Updated VBScript syntax highlighter to avoid certain keywords from being recognized as part of variable names. [v1.0]
Ability to view file properties and invoke context sensitive menus ("File | System"). [v1.0]
Released HTML-Kit Plugins API version 1.0.8. New features include the ability to include plugin icons in HKScript files and the new mode to automatically add shortcuts to drop-down menu items. [v1.0]
Integrated 27-Sep-1999 version of HTML Tidy with support for MacRoman character set and options for cleaning Microsoft Word 2000 web pages, better PHP support, I/B conversion to EM/STRONG and quiet mode. [v1.0]
Ability to create menus in other languages. If you create non-English menus you can share them with others by saving your menus using "Tools | Customize | Save Custom Settings..." [v1.0]
Customizable menus and toolbars ("Tools | Customize"). [v1.0]
Custom menu and toolbar settings will be reset during the upgrade. It is highly recommended that you let the setup program reset menus and toolbars, however if necessary you may use following steps to keep your customized menus: If you have customized the menu or the toolbars and wish to keep these settings, it is necessary to save the settings using "Tools | Customize | Save Custom Settings..." before running the setup program. Once HTML-Kit is upgraded by running the setup, use "Tools | Customize | Load Custom Settings..." to restore your settings. Note that this process will hide any changes made to the main menu or the toolbars in the upgrade, which could make it difficult to take advantage of some new features. [v1.0]
Other minor display and speed improvements. [v1.0]
Preset window sizes that can be applied to the current preview window using the "Windows | Resize" menu item. The list of sizes can be modified by going to "Edit | Preferences... | Preset window sizes." The size should be specified using the format:
<width> x <height>
The "*" character can be used to notify HTML-Kit to change only the width or the height. For example, "600 x *" will change the width of the display area to 600 pixels without changing the height. [v1.0]
Preset window sizes that can be applied to the current preview window using the "Windows | Resize" menu item. [v1.0]
Added an option to automatically tile the current window, if it's the only open window ("Edit | Preferences... | General | Tile window if ..."). [v1.0]
Ability to display a ruler around the preview window (use "View | Show Ruler" to temporarily enable/disable the ruler, or otherwise use "Edit | Preferences... | Preview | Show ruler"). Double clicking the ruler will toggle the unit of measurement between inches and centimeters. [v1.0]
Most plugin drop-down menus now have keyboard accelerator characters. [v1.0]
Browser status messages are now displayed in the main status bar, making it possible to remove status bars from the Active Preview window and browser windows to get more display space. [v1.0]
File Open Wizard to make it easier to open files on startup (double click for a quick selection). "Edit | Preferences... | Startup | Startup file open mode" must be set to "Show file open wizard" to enable this feature. [v1.0]