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This plugin not only adds a comprehensive set of menus for inserting code snippets related to Server Side Includes (SSI), but it also provides information on configuring and using SSI.
Speed up the process of finalizing draft versions of documents with INS/DEL tags.
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Even if you aren't using XSLT on your sites, you've probably considered using RSS feeds to keep your visitors informed. The ability to quickly preview RSS and convert to HTML is one of the options you get with this XSL transformations plugin.
HTML Tidy Beta
HTML Tidy is able to provide fixes and suggestions for common coding errors by analyzing tag patterns. This plugin makes it possible to test the latest beta version of Tidy without having to replace the last version.
Need a little help invoking your favorite DOM tool? This plugin makes it easier to open external programs for viewing the Document Object Model, such as the Mozilla DOM Inspector.
View the structure of HTML, XHTML and XML documents as a tree and jump back to the line in the source code that's related to the selected tree branch.
HTML Tidy can suggest fixes for typos and common coding errors found in HTML, XHTML and XML documents. Upgrade HTML Tidy distributed with HTML-Kit to the latest version with this plugin.
Wraps selected blocks of text that are separated by a blank line with <p></p> tags.
Ever wish for a quick way to insert multiple nbsp(s)? Change the number of non-breaking spaces entered with this preferences dialog.
Looking for a quick way to create ordered or unordered lists? Simply select the list of items and invoke this plugin.
<a href="" title=" External Link ">SAXON</a> helper plugin that can generate a new file or open a preview window by applying the selected XSL fil...
XML Validator
Check to see if XHTML and XML documents are well formed, or validate them according to the document type definition.
Plugin menu with online help references to support W3C's VoiceXML (Voice Extensible Markup Language) Version 2.0 (23-Oct-2001 working draft).
Plugin to add support for W3C's XForms 1.0 Working Draft published on 28-Aug-2001.
Before there was XML there was CSV. The Comma Separated Value file format used to be one of the more popular file formats for exchanging data between different applications. This plugin makes it easier to convert CSV files to XML tags.
Transform an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) file with an XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) file using Microsoft's XML 3.0 parser.
A plugin which can display HTML and XML documents in a hierarchical or 'tree' layout. For database-style XML documents this allows clear browsing without the bother of writing a style sheet or display program. For HTML and document-style XML ...
Menu and quick reference links for the Stochastic Language Models (N-Gram) Specification.
Menu to support documents using the Speech Recognition Grammar Specification.
Speech Synthesis Markup Language menu.
Menu and a quick reference of XEXPR tags and attributes.
Plugin menu to make it easier to create documents containing XML digital signatures.
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