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HTML Kit Plugins Directory

Keywords : C/C++Home > Plugins > Keywords > C/C++
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Some popular search engines, news services and online shops have started publishing special versions of their websites for visitors using handheld devices. This wizard makes it easier to start creating web pages that are optimized for PDAs.
Adds menu options for inserting code snippets related to the java.applet package.
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Plugins Generator
Visually design plugins with multiple buttons, tabs, drop-down menus and custom icons. No programming experience is required to create fully functional plugins. Automatically generates source code for plugins in hkScript, C/C++, .NET C#, Delphi, Java...
Allows multi-file search and replace through the Batch Action Wizard interface. Includes support for regular expressions and backup files.
Allows multi-file searching through the Batch Action Wizard interface. Includes support for regular expressions.
Allows deletion of multiple files (to the Recycle Bin) through the Batch Action Wizard interface.
This plugin can be used for block commenting and uncommenting code in C/C++ source, PHP, JavaScript, or any other language that utilizes C-style comments. If used on uncommented code the selected text will be returned with enclosed in C-style (sla...
Although the "keywords" META tag doesn't carry as much weight as it once did, the search engines still look at it. This plugin generates keywords from the most frequently used words in the current document.
"Hello, world!" plugin written in C/C++, Delphi, hkScript, Java, Perl and Visual Basic. This is a good starting point for developers interested in writing HTML-Kit Plugins. Required: HTML-Kit Plugins API core files.
UprLwr.hks plugin written in C. Must be compiled into a DLL as documented on the developer's reference before using.